Are you ready for it? Preparing for birth is more then picking a doula

Sometimes I wonder this myself, is it possible to have the birth you were hoping for after a traumatic or “just-okay” birth. Is it okay to even ask for that or dream of the possibility. My answer to that would be yes! I think in all birth scenarios its important to have realistic expectations that we can have dream for our birth, we can manifest what we want our birth to be and feel and look like, but ultimately we need to know that we are going to make the best decisions with the birth that we are given.

redemptive birth in water at birth center mother holding her baby with surprised facial expression


This is the phrase that makes the dream birth possible. My mentor, and doula in my second birth, Deb Lawrence, shares this wise wisdom often.

How can we do this? Well, do it in the ways that speak to you and your family and supporters.

Find the best care team out there to support your birth. Hoping to have a TOLAC (trial of labor after cesarean)? Find the provider who has a high rate of successful VBACs. Hoping to have an unmedicated birth? Find the provider that wants that too, who works in a location where nurses and/ support staff ALSO want you to have an unmedicated birth. Planning a c-section? Find the OB who is so skilled at them that folks are recovering afterwards because of the care and consent they received in their surgery.

Get prepared! I don’t care what type of birth you are planning to have, you need a comprehensive childbirth class not from a hospital. Find a course that will share content with you that is valuable and will help you be aware of interventions possible, walk you through the best way to prepare your mind.

Get moving! Find a course that will show you how to move your body in pregnancy to ultimately prepare for the best birth possible. Classes that prepare the body will in turn help you create space, and movement for baby to get into optimal positioning.

In order to make the best decisions in your birth, in order to have good outcomes, dedicate time and energy. This is a once-in-a-limetime event. You will never give birth to this baby again, make it the best you can.

And if you still aren’t sure where to start, hire your birth doula EARLY. If last time your birth left you feeling unsure or just okay. Change things up, find the team that will love you, support you and help you achieve those incredible births dreams of yours. I once was called a birth sherpa by a client. He was so sure that was what my title should be as I guided them through the pregnancy and birth. Find your BIRTH SHERPA!


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